An Unreached People Group Being Reached

An Unreached People Group Being Reached

This past week our team traveled to the mountains and spent the week trekking through villages. About 30 years ago, a team of workers said “yes” to God’s call and brought the Word to a small minority group living in the mountains. While it was a long process filled with trials and persecution, today this people group has churches. They have pastors. They have the Bible in their own language.

Why Mentorship Matters

Why Mentorship Matters

American Dream, Support Raising, Church: these are a few of the many obstacles that young adults experience in going overseas long-term. These were also my obstacles, but when I was 23, I did not know that I had obstacles. In fact, the term “obstacle” was unfamiliar to me. However, through a series of experiences overseas, this term revealed itself to me in a way that I was not prepared for.

The Dream Giver

The Dream Giver

In early November we took our students to a city about 3 hours outside of base town. There we met Magdi, who was our tour guide and gracious host. He's an upper caste Hindu, with strong family affiliation. Our first night with Magdi and his family, one of our students was able to share his personal testimony. Unexpectedly Magdi began sharing about dreams he has personally had about JESUS.

Suffering Produces Endurance

Suffering Produces Endurance

Before this trip I always knew this verse and knew what it meant, but I had never truly experienced it. I had never really suffered. But since I have been in South Asia I have lost two people who I deeply loved back at home. I don't know if I could put into words how much losing them hurts and I probably won't ever be able to. But something amazing happened when I was grieving.

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

Here’s a question society loves to answer for us. Just google it. There are pages of ways to not be forgotten and advice on forming your personal brand. It’s at the heart of most marketing. Buy this product and you will be known for this or work at this company and people will think you are that. As humans, we are created with an innate desire for purpose, for an identity. Throughout life we find it in different places: as a professional, parent, student, athlete.

The Biggest Barrier to Going Overseas

The Biggest Barrier to Going Overseas

At Cafe 1040, we identify five major barriers that keep people from transplanting their lives to international locations for the sake of the gospel. Some people see all five barriers at play in their lives, while others identify with one or two. A guest contributor at Desiring God wrote a fantastic article that identifies one of these barriers and how it can be overcome. She even qualifies it as "the biggest barrier to students going to the mission field."

What Coca-Cola Teaches Us About The Gospel

What Coca-Cola Teaches Us About The Gospel

Remember the really famous 'Hilltop' Coca-Cola ad from the '70s about buying the world a Coke? It was a little before my time, but it's one of the most famous ads of all time. It was also the closing scene of the series Mad Men, if that's more your style. The song in the ad also talks about wanting to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. Definitely from the '70s!


So You’re Interested in Missions, Now What?

So You’re Interested in Missions, Now What?

We often get questions from people who are interested in missions and are looking for some next steps. It’s not likely that a person who lives in southwest Missouri just wakes up one morning as a missionary in the villages of Nepal. There are usually a few steps involved. We’ve put together a list of six resources that are a great starting point for anyone interested in learning more about missions.