7 Book Recommendations for 2018

7 Book Recommendations for 2018

Do you ever feel like there are so many books you’d like to read, but then you go to pick one and you never really know where to start? Should you pick up a work or fiction or is non-fiction a better use of time? The sheer amount of choices keeps you from reading all together. At Cafe 1040, we love sharing resources that keep us growing and learning so we polled a few of our staff to see which books they’d recommend.

Why We Are Committed To This Work

What Keeps Us Going In This Work? 

As we near the end of another year, it’s always encouraging to look back and see how God has worked. He has worked in the lives of students who are seeking to leverage their lives for the sake of people knowing His name. He has worked among locals across the 10/40 Window, calling them to Himself.  We have seen individuals come to know Jesus for the first time. We have seen countless young adults say “yes” to whatever God has planned for them among the nations.

Hear how one of our Southeast Asia students sums up their time with Cafe 1040:

“Knowing how great God's love is for me leads me to a place of surrender.

Whatever you want God, I'll do. I just want to be where you are and do what you call me to do.

I trust that you will continue to give me the strength to obey what you lead me to do as I am motivated by your great love for me.

This is especially important for this line of work. If I falsely believe that God’s love for me is subjective on how many people I share with and lead to Him, then it is very easy for me to get burned out and to feel condemned if I'm not seeing those results I long for.

But if I rest in God's great unchanging unfailing love for me, it empowers and sustains me even when I have to walk through the hardest of circumstances.

Having a right understanding of God’s love is crucial and I am so thankful for the way he has continued to demonstrate his love for me these past few months."

We praise God for what He has accomplished in 2017. It is His work. He simply invites us to be a part of it. And what a privilege that invitation is to accept.

Want to join what God is doing in the 10/40 Window?





10 Lessons Learned From Living In Southeast Asia

10 Lessons Learned From Living In Southeast Asia

In the year before I left for Southeast Asia, I researched everything I should expect during my first months as a missionary. I studied culture shock charts, looked at line graphs of stress levels overseas, asked for advice about how to endure the life of a single missionary, stockpiled my anti-diarrhea medicine, and braced my supporters for a life-altering transition.

Is Missions Safe?

Is Missions Safe?

Over the years, we have sat down with numerous mothers, fathers, friends, cousins and coworkers talking about international missions. Inevitably by the end of the conversation, we have ventured onto the question of safety.

Is missions safe? Is where you are living safe? Do you feel safe overseas? Will my son or daughter be safe in your program?

The question comes in many forms but the heart of the question remains the same.