A Prayer For the New Year

You are the creator and giver of new beginnings.

You are constantly making and remaking, whether we see it or not.

In this very tangible example of a New Year let us rest in the knowledge that our Lord is at work and making things new.

As our calendar resets let us feel reset,

Let us look on the coming months with anticipation for what you will teach us and how you will sustain us,

Help us commit ourselves to you and your plans, which we know are greater than our own,

Help us look back on the last year and find things to be thankful for despite its challenges.

We thank you for a new year and all the possibilities it holds.

We ask that you give us joy and excitement for all the good things coming and peace and trust in you for the hard that will also come.

We are grateful to know you and thankful that you love us,

In the name of Jesus, amen.