Cafe 1040

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I Am Nothing Without My Father

As I sit here on the patterned carpet, bare-foot, and leaning up against the patterned couch, my heart overflows with love for these women. I long for the ability to communicate with them on a deeper level, yet I am depending on my smiles and my few Arabic words to convey everything I cannot express with complex words. I feel utterly helpless and inadequate in and of myself, yet I know that God will never leave me to my own devices or strength. Perhaps that is the most valuable lesson I will ever learn. I am nothing without my Father. All pride, honor and merit simply slip away as they are replaced by gratitude, a willing heart, and deep, deep love.

I glance over at Aya and see her smooth brow furrow as she focuses on her intricate embroidery, and I realize that I have made a choice. I am choosing to trust that Dad will use me as a vessel for His presence and His deep, deep love. He does not have to. My smiles and hesitant phrases can only go so far, but He is limitless. And for some incomprehensible reason, He has asked me to take part in His plan for the entire world, one smile at a time. He knows what makes my heart come alive – joining with Him to reveal the goodness of His character to others, and as a result, falling more and more in love with Him every single day.