Cafe 1040

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Finishing The Task

There are thousands of Muslim people groups who have never heard what Jesus Christ has done on their behalf.  This sobering thought fuels missions all over the world.

Our friends at Frontiers are partnering with churches and passionate people to alter that reality by 2025. We love Frontiers’ heart for loving Muslims until all have heard. 

In Matthew 28, Jesus commands that all believers become disciples who make disciples of all nations. It was a declaration for us to do more than just grow—but also go. Making disciples of all nations, baptizing them, teaching them to follow after Him, and sharing his message ... with everyone...  Standing fast until all have heard, loving until lives are changed. Losing your life, to find your frontier.

Do you have a heart for the unreached? Do you feel God has called you to work among a Muslim people group? Join Frontiers in finishing the task.