2020 was a year of unexpected changes, canceled trips and events, and changed plans. Cafe 1040 usually runs three overseas programs in three locations every year. When it was evident that the pandemic was going to get worse before getting better, we realized we would have to adapt. We asked ourselves what the best way to connect with our students whose semesters got deferred and people who want to learn more about missions would be. Utilizing Zoom, we created a brand-new experience called the Virtual Missions Experience (VME) that allowed participants of any age and location to journey with our overseas missionaries for four weeks to learn about the life of a missionary, all without having to get on a plane.

Some of the responses to VME blew us away. We were expecting people to come away with deeper knowledge about God’s heart for the nations, but we hadn’t anticipated the way the Lord would work in many of the participants.

One girl came away feeling a pull to financially invest in missions among the unreached. VME taught her that even if she couldn’t be the one to physically go, she could still use the gift of her money to further the kingdom of God. She is currently in discussions with our International Director on potential ways she could support every one of our international teams. Praise God for her faithfulness in being obedient to the Lord and becoming a better sender!

A prayer group for the nations has also been birthed out of VME. Two to three girls faithfully attend and are on fire for the nations. Their passion and zeal have moved our staff to tears. One girl wasn’t very interested in the unreached before VME and now this prayer group is deepening her love. The other girls are now hoping to leverage their careers in the medical field for missions.

Another participant emailed Cafe 1040 to let us know the VME has deepened his desire for cross-cultural missions even more. He has been thinking intentionally about international ministry for a while now but had some hesitations that are common for people considering a life of missions. After attending VME he feels strongly that cross-cultural ministry is a good path for him and has committed to trusting that the Lord is taking care of him and his hesitations.

We are so thankful for technology that allows us to stay connected even when we can’t physically be in a room together. We are even more thankful that nothing can stop God, not even a worldwide pandemic!