Cafe 1040

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Small Pieces in a Grand Plan

Based on a Cafe 1040 Student story

During my time with Cafe 1040 in Europe, our group navigated the city through a "buddy system," ensuring no one ventured out alone. When a teammate sought a companion for a rendezvous with a girl she had met at a local Korean Festival, I volunteered without hesitation, completely unaware of what God would do from this encounter.

The girl we met had grown up in a Catholic school but didn't believe what she learned there. As we talked, she told us about her life, including her struggles with depression. Our conversation flowed naturally, culminating in the sharing of the gospel. Her response, a simple "Ok, I'll accept Christ," seemed almost too easy, and my mind was flooded with doubts about her sincerity.

Despite my skepticism, I felt a gentle tug to give her my Bible, the one I had since high school. I highlighted a few verses that had once uplifted me and connected her with a local EU staff member, knowing full well that the distance between them was far from ideal. As the end of our time in Europe drew near, I could only hope our fleeting encounter would bear fruit in her life.

Weeks later, back in the States, curiosity led me to reach out to her. To my surprise and delight, she had not only been attending church but had also found a mentor within her newfound community. This small victory ignited a flame of encouragement that burned brightly within us both.

As the months passed, our occasional exchanges revealed a remarkable transformation in her life. She had purchased a Bible in her native language, deepening her understanding of God's word, and began partaking in communion and Bible studies with her church. From the book of Exodus to the bonds of fellowship, her faith journey had grown exponentially since that single conversation we shared.

This story stands as a reminder we are but small pieces in God's grand plan. Our brief encounters, no matter how insignificant they may seem, can serve as transformational moments for others. It is not upon us to do everything; we need only be faithful in the little and trust God to handle the rest.