Cafe 1040

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Generation to Generation

Written by Cafe 1040 Staff 

We often pass down heirlooms, trades, skills, or maybe businesses. We want to pass down a generation of “Look, what God is doing. Now, be a faithful vessel that continues the work.”

It’s unbelievable for our students to step into the work that has been going on for decades. In a moment, you instantly know how small you are and how BIG God is. He is always at work. We just have to make ourselves available. It’s an honor to join together as one Church and get to be a part of God’s work - generation to generation telling of His great work.

“Here in base country, new churches (outside of temples for Buddhism) cannot be built or even registered legally unless they have been active for 20+ years.

However, if one were to go and plead for registration and proclaim to have been meeting for 20+ years illegally then they may be jailed or persecuted. During my first few weeks, this was the craziest, most baffling thing.

Yet, the statistics show that places with some of the highest persecution rates and legal regulations have some of the highest growing underground churches. Now…THIS is the craziest and most baffling thing.

Our most recent trip was to a neighboring city visiting some other missionaries. We walked into a basement room crammed with chairs. Locals come sit every week to hear the Good News.

We had such a cool opportunity to sit and talk with an American who started that underground church and has been working here for 18 years with his family…18 years. The work being done here is good work.

Look, what God is doing. Now, be a faithful vessel that continues the work.