the road we walk together

In my 18 years with Cafe 1040, I have had the privilege of hearing and seeing stories of lives changed from students who participate in our missions mentorships and whole communities impacted by hearing the story of Jesus for the very first time. 

For our students, the people living inside the 10/40 window are no longer an unreached statistic on a page. (3.1 billion to be exact.)They are friends they text to meet for coffee, they are families they have shared a meal with, and they are people, longing to hear the story of Jesus.

As you look through these pages, we hope you will see how God is at work through Cafe 1040. It’s an honor to play a small role and I am grateful we get to walk this road together.

One day there will come a time that people from every nation, tribe, people and language will be standing before the throne proclaiming the greatness of God, and until then, our work is not finished. 


Chuck Phillips                              Founder and Executive Director